Above is this weeks free desktop. From southern Utah, back to a park you've seen featured here several times before, Bryce Canyon National Park. For those unfamiliar with Bryce Canyon, the main feature of the park is erosion shaped pillars of colorful limestones, sandstones, and mudstones called hoodoos. The views from many easily accessible overlooks are simply magnificent, providing staggering, expansive views of the surrounding mountains and plateaus (it is possible on clear days to see over 100 miles from some points). The picture featured this week was taken June 2005 at Inspiration Point looking basically northeast. At around 8000 ft, one can enjoy some truly wonderful views of the southern Utah landscape from here. With some 50 miles of excellent hiking trails which take you into the heart of the park, thus enabling a close up experience well worth the effort required tackling the terrain, this park offers excellent hiking opportunities. But a word of warning before you head out, the elevation here is 7000 to 9000ft with most trails ending with you coming back up out of a canyon, not the easiest thing if you're one not use to the elevation (I speak from personal experience here (; ). Caution should be exercised here, just don't over do it. That said, go have some fun! Bryce Canyon is a park which can offer extented opportunities for many days of exploring, or if you wish, one can still have rewarding experience in just a single, wonderful day.
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