Above is this weeks free desktop. This weeks shot is from one of my favorite places I have the privilege of showcasing here, from northern Arizona, the Grand Canyon National Park - North Rim. I really enjoy the weeks that feature shots from Grand Canyon as it allows the opportunity to share one of the top parks in America with you. For me, it's simply not possible to convey the grandeur of Grand Canyon with words or even photos, the best any of these can do is entice one to visit and see this park in person, as it takes you standing on the edge looking out over this marvel to fully appreciate it. Now, don't take that last sentence wrong, there are some wonderful shots of the park out there, but they all pale to seeing this wonder in person. (; This weeks photo was taken at Point Imperial parking lot looking SE in June 2005. Basically, this was just a shot to show the rather poor day we got at the North Rim and the sunshine that always seemed to be shining on someone else that light off in the distance), but the day and the shot just struck something in me that added up to more than just a rainy day. Even in poor conditions, it still held a beauty which is hard to describe. The lightning and thunder from the storms we had were interesting shows, and the clouds ... an ever changing sight for sure. I had hoped to showcase one of my favorite views at the Grand Canyon on this trip to my dad, and to me, I did. I do hope some may decide to plan a visit to the Grand Canyon NP as it is an experience you will not forget (it only took six years to convince my dad he needed to visit (; ).
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